The Golan Heights

Some tours tend to neglect the amazing Golan Heights, due to unfortunate time constraints. However, it is one of the most incredible areas in Israel, rich in both history and greenery.

Tel Dan national park, Israel

Our day will start at Tel Dan, an archeological site set up for preservation of the town Laish. This town existed here since

the biblical days of Abraham and was later conquered by the tribe of Dan after a long and arduous fight against the Philistines.

Laish later became the city that King Jeroboam adapted as capital of his northern Kingdom of Israel. The king also built a

temple at which the Israelites worshiped in this city.

The most important archeological inscribing in Israel was found here. Laish is also the site of the second most ancient Canaanite gate in the world.

The nature reserve here protects the Dan stream, which is also

the main source of water to the Sea of Galilee. The stream provides about 90% of the waters of the upper Jordan River and allows us to more fully enjoy nature – God’s greatest gift. This grants the opportunity to follow many, different hike routes involving water and even enables us to take a nice dip in a small pond.

On top of this rock I shall build my kingdom 

From Tel Dan we will continue to the stream known as Caesarea Philippi, or the Banias. Saint Peter was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven at this spot,Caesarea Philippi previously boasting a temple, dedicated to Pan, the Greek Lord of Shepherds. This is also where Agrippa the Second chose to build his palace, yet all this amazing history will feel like just an additional bonus in the fantastic, lush nature park reserve residing here. Though not the biggest of streams, it nurtures the unbelievably green zone around it, and we will see its spectacular falls and the hanging bridge which was built across it.

Continue ascending, we will pass through several Druze villages, (and probably be stopping for lunch at one of them).built on the Golan Heights. We will visit one of these villages and learn more about the intriguing Druze culture and way of life

We will also enjoying the sight of Mount Hermon and the Nimrod Castle.

At the border with Syria

Our arrival at Mount Bental will provide us with a panoramic view of the Valley of Tears and Syria. From this viewpoint, we will observe the 1967 ceasefire line. Golan Heights Winery We will try comprehending the wars Israel has had to wage, including the most difficult one of all, the Yom Kippur War. Delving into the reasons for our being here, we will finally touch upon the importance of the Golan Heights to Israel.

If time allows, we will visit Kazrin, which is the only city in the Golan, and therefore its official ‘capital’. This city offers the terrific opportunity to visit the Golan Heights Winery, the finest in Israel. This unusual branch of agriculture was one of the very first to be developed by Jewish settlers in this land.

Another great option currently offered is 4 wheel drive geopolitical tour. You can travel along the border, while receiving in-depth commentary about the complex situation in Syria and its effect on Israel.

We will then leave the border and start back to our hotel.


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