Expoling the events October 7th, 2023 around Gaza Envelope


Introduction to the Gaza Envelope

A memorial in the vehicles graveyard, Tkuma, Israel

The Gaza Envelope refers to a cluster of communitieslocated in southern Israel, directly adjacent to the Gaza Strip. This region is characterized by its proximity to the border, which has historically rendered it a focal point of geopolitical tensions and conflict. The Gaza Envelope encompasses a variety of towns and kibbutzim, each grappling with the unique challenges posed by its location. Understanding the geographical and historical context of this area is essential for comprehending the broader implications of recent events.

Historically, the Gaza Envelope has been a landscape of resilience and strife. The communities here have endured numerous security challenges, including rocket attacks and tunnel infiltrations. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has profoundly affected daily life in this region. Shaping the social and economic fabric of its towns.

Despite these challenges, the residents of the Gaza Envelope have shown remarkable fortitude, striving to maintain a semblance of normalcy amidst the turmoil.

The October 7th attacks marked a significant and tragic chapter in the history of the Gaza Envelope. This date witnessed a surge in hostilities that brought severe repercussions for the local population.

The First Hours of the Hamas Surprise Attack on October 7th


On the morning of October 7th, 2023, at around 6:30 AM, Hamas launched a highly coordinated and unprecedented surprise attack against Israel, marking the beginning of one of the most significant escalations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The assault, which caught Israel off guard, was executed in three distinct waves, showcasing Hamas’s extensive preparation and strategic planning.

Initial Assault: Breaching the Border

The attack began by dismantling Israel’s electronic defenses along the border, paving the way for the elite force of Hamas – the Nuhba commandos.

To penetrate through more than 60 points along the 50-kilometer-long border. These commandos infiltrated Israel using a variety of methods: by land with trucks and motorbikes, by air with paragliders, and by sea with small naval units attempting to infiltrate from the Mediterranean Sea. While most of the naval infiltrations were repelled by the Israeli navy, the ground and air infiltrations were largely successful, leading to significant breaches in Israel’s defenses.

Massive Rocket Barrage

Simultaneously, Hamas initiated a massive barrage of rocket fire. Over 5,000 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards various cities and towns in southern and central Israel within the first few hours. The sheer volume of rockets overwhelmed Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, causing significant casualties and widespread damage. This initial onslaught was designed to create chaos and confusion, diverting attention from the more direct ground threats that were unfolding.

Ground Infiltration and Terror Attacks

Following the initial breaches, hundreds of Hamas militants Nuhba infiltrated Israeli territory.

Equipped with explosives, bulldozers and other means they were able to break through the fortified border fence on several points.
Each part of the force knew exactly where it was expected to reach and what its purpose was. Rape and kidnapping murder.
The terrorists were equipped with accurate maps of the communities, the bases and the key points.

By there plan,the Hamas was hoping to take over  221 points in total in israel.

These militants targeted military installations and civilian communities alike. Engaging in brutal close-quarters combat with the first response squad of the diferent villages and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) .

The attacks were marked by extreme violence, including massacres, rapes, and kidnappings.

It was made in the most brutal, sick way imagined, in many of Israeli towns and kibbutzim within the Gaza envelope.

Escalation of the Attack

As the attack progressed, other terror organizations in Gaza started joined the invasion.

With additional Hamas fighters (not from the Nuhba unit which started reterning with israeli hostages) being called in after the initial strike had begun.

The third wave of the ןinvation involved local Gazan residents who crossed into Israel primarily to loot and rob. Reports indicate that these individuals were offered $100 per person for crossing the border into Israel.

Israeli Defense and Casualties

On that morning, only around 300 Israeli soldiers were stationed in the Gaza envelope area. While they managed to hold their positions at some of the points, the sheer scale and coordination of the attack overwhelmed them in many locations, leading to a tragic loss of life and security breaches.

One of the first points to fall was the Gaza Division (the main military base in the area), and all their surveillance systems were destroyed. The information about the unfolding events was not received or processed quickly enough.

As a result, during the critical early hours, the military failed to grasp the full extent of the invasion and the scale of enemy forces. It is important to note that such a scenario was neither anticipated nor seriously considered in any drills. The Israeli strategic concept did not account for this possibility at all.

We should have taken this senerio consideration but (almost) no one did.





This tour day of the region, is very different than any other tour or experience you’ll have in the country.

We will try to explore and understand some of the events of the massacre of october 7th – The Black Saturday, in the region around the Gaza Envelope.

The Path Forward

As the world reflects on the events of October 7th, the importance of peace and security becomes ever more evident. The loss of 1400 lives in a single day is a stark reminder of the urgent need for dialogue, understanding, and resolution in the Gaza conflict.

Moving forward, it is essential to honor the memories of those who perished by striving for a future where such tragedies are preventable, and coexistence can become a reality.

Despite the devastation and the willing for revenge, the solution will have to be, one way or the other, around a diplomatic solution of some sort. hopefully it will open for both sides the option for a better & safer future

for an itinerary and an option of a day tour around the Gaza envelope please click here


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