This is where it all began

Welcome to Israel, the land holy to all! Judaism, Islam and Christianity all exist side by side in this miraculous country.Israel Country

As you know, the christianity holds different denominations. we can emphasis the path you prefer.

Nowhere else on earth can you find a land that contains historical events recounted in both the Old and New Testaments. Nowhere else one can step inside the Bible, actually arrive at the quoted locations, and encounter the holiest of men.

We will walk where He walked.

We will see all the significant sites together, where you can practically experience the wondrous stories of the Scriptures.

This place is the very beginning, the ground from which Christianity sprouted. It is not some ancient, unfeasible location described in ancient texts. The place where all began actually still exists – and it awaits your discovery.


Here, you’ll be able to feel like you’re fighting against the army of Yavin, King of Hazor, alongside Barak, son of Avinoam; or battling the Midianites, shoulder to shoulder with Gideon. Your mere presence here will breathe life into all of these events.

You’ll be able to explore historical and archeological sites, forging a valuable link between the passages of the Bible. Excerpts from the Bible will take on a new level of realism, as the visited sites bridge the present and the past. Your personal viewing of actual references to the country’s biblical times will gift you with an even greater appreciation of Scriptural antiquity.

We will map out the ideal trek with your input and approval, treading the very same paths that Jesus once walked. We could also discover the Holy City of Jerusalem on a comprehensive one-day tour or embark on a grand tour of ten to fourteen days, for a spirited voyage throughout the entirety of this sacred land.

Our Biblical Tours

Beit Shean, IsraelAlthough these descriptions might sound a bit trite, your own experience of the country will inspire you to testify to their truth. Touring the Land of Israel will strengthen your Christianity. This life-altering journey will inspire you to be a better person. The insights you gain here simply cannot be encountered anywhere else during Christian trips to Israel. Please allow me the opportunity to share all my knowledge with you about this land, which is so important to all people of the Christian faith.

We have a plethora of ideas for interesting tours.

When you are planning to visit Israel for 7-10 days (or even for a day or two), we recommend that you take a look at our tours with a Catholic or an Evangelical theme.

The following itinerary examples can give you an idea of the treats we have in store:

Your route will be tailor made according to your own specific interests and desires. Your themes can be archeology, spiritual places, the Old and New Testaments, and holy churches. We can also visit the focal points of modern Israel, such as national parks and political locations, central to Zionism and to contemporary Israel.

The state of Israel is always relevant. Whether we focus on the past or on the present; and whether the emphasis is Judaism, Islam, or the Christian denomination that represents your very own religious and spiritual inclinations.

For other tourists’ opinions on my role as tour guide, please refer to The Testimonials Page.

You can read more here: About Me.

If you have any questions, requests or thoughts, please Contact Me.


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